Waterbirds in Australia

While Australia is geographically isloated continent, there are many endemic waterbirds in Australia.

Comb-crested Jacana (photo: right top), which occurs mainly northern Australia, has an impressive red patch on the forehead. With using the long toes, they walk on the lotus leaves very fast and smoothly.

Although the colour is not attractive, cheerful Pacific Black Duck (photo: centre) is commonly seen in the parks in urban Australia. They are often tame and allows us to approach very closely.

White-faced Heron (photo: left bottom) is another waterbird which is commonly seen in the urban parks. The bluish grey heron even occurs in a small water pool.

Among Australian waterbirds, something impressive should be pelican, penguin and albatross. Australasian Pelican (see the photo "Australian Birds" ) is a huge bird. Its body lengh is over 1.5m while the wingspan is over 2.5m. So, you may imagine that they must live in the remote large lakes. No, surprisingly, the pelican is a common species. Even, it may be the first Australian bird for you while it often occurs near the Sydney Airport. In the some nature reserves or parks, the large pelican is very tame. Little Penguin is even popular among tourists. The smallest penguin comes back from the sea in the dusk with their relatives. Tourists wait for they come back at the beach. While they walk in a group, it is called "penguin parade".

When winter comes, I used to visited a lighthouse where I was able to see the Pacific ocean very well. My purpose was for checking arrival of albatrosses. When the southwestery blows in the coast, dozens of albatrosses come closer to the coast. They are Black-browed, Yellow-nosed, Shy and Wandering Albatross.

Although waterbirds in Australia is relatively less colourful, you may be better to spend for looking for them because of their unique characters.

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